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washing liquid中文是什么意思

用"washing liquid"造句"washing liquid"怎么读"washing liquid" in a sentence


  • 洗涤液
  • 洗液


  • Testing of pigments - determination of residue on sieve using organic solvents as washing liquid
  • Testing of pigments ; determination of residue on sieve with water as washing liquid hand method
  • After a few minutes gentle hands , clothing shops in the flat , along with brush lightly brushing fiber texture , and then to the final twist in a washing liquid
  • The instrument uses pressure sensor to inspect the pressure of washing liquid in and out the stomach , and use flowmeter to inspect flux , at the same time it sends the data to the cpu to compare , adjust and monitor the system
    该系统通过同时对压力、流量、 ph值等多种重要参数进行的检测、监控,增加了仪器的安全性,该系统能自动运行,也可人工操作,方便了医护人员进行抢救。
  • Moreover , we use a ph sensor at the top of the washing liquid pipe to ensure the pipe in the stomach . the main parts of instrument are sensors , control circuits , cpu , minimize pump touching panel and display panel our design is on the basis of reviewing the development of the classic stomach pump , and consulting the requests of the medic
用"washing liquid"造句  
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